Protecting and helping families since 1985

Do you have Superannuation money in Australia??

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Do you have Superannuation money in Australia??

If you do, you can now bring the money to NZ to be added to your KiwiSaver account.
On the 1st July the law changed to allow people to bring their ‘super’ money back with them.

What do you need to do to transfer from Australia to your KiwiSaver Scheme?

Simply let us know here at Acorn;
– which Australian Super Scheme your money is held with
– plus your Super account number
– plus your Australian tax file number   .. and we’ll start the process for you.
If you don’t know which Aussie Super scheme you are with you can search for your superannuation savings by going to and using the Australian Tax Office (ATO) online tool SuperSeeker. The search can be completed in a couple of minutes by providing the following details:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Tax File Number (TFN)

Alternatively, if you don’t know your TFN you can complete the Searching for lost super Form, which you will then need to send to the ATO.

Once you have determined the details of the relevant complying Australian scheme you will need to contact us at Acorn, so we can send a request through to the relevant Australian scheme. As the legislation has just passed in Australia, providers do not yet have experience in Trans-Tasman superannuation transfers and so we do not currently know how long the process may take.

Good luck, Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett

In 1985, after 7 years in the banking industry in NZ & London, Mike Bennett joined the Life Insurance Industry as an adviser. In 2001 he started “Acorn Insurance & Investment Ltd” with the key principle; “to satisfy the insurance and investment needs of New Zealanders with the best products and service possible”. To achieve the guiding principle of “best products and service” the “Acorn” uses various industry research tools to identify the best products and prices to meet our client’s needs. Acorn has agencies with most of New Zealand’s major insurance companies which means we are free to use whichever products best meet our client’s needs. Believing that if we get it right for our clients we will achieve win-win solutions. We also recognise that nearly all insurance solutions are a compromise between the benefits you’d like to have versus the premiums you’re prepared to pay – with this in mind we WON’T be trying to sell you more insurance than you need or want !!

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